Our Week with the First Day of School, Dinner with The Boswell's, and The JGO.

 Hey Y'all! How is your week going so far??  I am recapping last week. 





Monday, July 31st- 


Coffee, Jesus, and 7:30AM ride in memory of Sweet Charrie.   Ella and I had a 11am nail appointment and then did a little last minute shopping before her first day of school. When we got home, I got the letter board ready and worked on the blog. 

I grilled burgers for dinner, cleaned up the kitchen, showered, and crashed. 

But look who was loving their sleep...


Oh Duke...


Errands with my best girl! Y'all I miss her when she is at school! 

Tuesday, August 1st- 


The morning with the alarm clock again! HA 

Coffee, Jesus, Packed Ella's lunch, and first day of school pictures. 


Duke was really missing Ella when she was at school. HA 


I hopped on the Peloton and then went to meet my sister to walk! We walked 2 miles. 

Once I got home, I paid a few bills, did laundry, made dog food, made salsa, worked on the blog, and cleaned out one drawer in my dresser. 

We love Stephanie's salsa. 


I saw these memes and couldn't not share! 



I sat the table for our "Let's Taco 'bout our first day of school!" 

After I cleaned up the kitchen and showered, I crashed! 

Wednesday, August 2nd- 

Coffee and Jesus. Luke Bryan ride on the Peloton. Then I worked in the craftroom- blog and setting up my planner for next week. Grabbed Ella from school. Before I knew it this is what I saw...

That second day of school will catch up on you. 😉

I cooked hamburger steaks for dinner, cleaned the kitchen, and enjoyed a bath. 

Crashed into bed. 

Thursday, August 3rd- 

Coffee, Jesus, Dropped Ella off at school. Then I went to my WW meeting. 


Got home and worked in the craft room, took a nap, worked on the blog, picked up Ella, did a little more computer work, heated up leftovers for dinner, showered, and waited up for Ian to get home from playing golf and meeting his roommate for the first time, then we crashed into the bed. 

But look at my 2 favorite girls sending me selfies...

Friday, August 4th-

Coffee, Jesus, Get ready, pick up beer that was donated for the golf tournament, Goodwill drop off, ATM, WalMart, home to unload and then I met Talia for lunch and shopping!! 

Picked up Ella, ran to Turtle Creek, back home, and then to The Boswells for dinner and a "see you later" since all the big kids are headed to college this week and next. 

Look who joined me in carpool again...

We got home from The Boswells and crashed. 

Saturday, August 5th- 

Coffee and Jesus. Then headed to Pine Hills to host the annual JGO. Ben has hosted the tournament for the 18th year. We started it as a fundraiser for the kids golf team a few years back and now it just benefits Ella's high school team. :( 

We have a new golf coach this year so Ben introduced him. We had 15 teams this year and raised over $8,000. 

These 4 had the best time and....


We packed up, got home, unpacked, showered, and crashed on the couch!! Ella went to a friends house for movie night while Ian hung out with Kathryn until he picked Ella back up! 

Everyone was home and we ALL CRASHED! 

Sunday, August 6th- 

Coffee, Jesus, Boys headed to the course, Ella slept in, I watched church online, cleaned house, and then a BAD storm rolled through around 1:00. We lost power. The boys got home and we crawled into our bed. 

We already miss Ian so much and he hasn't even left yet!! 

Around 3:10, the power came back on, I got ready and we headed to Ben's cousins daughters wedding shower!! We had a GREAT time. While we were at the shower, Ian and Ella went to dinner together and to get ie cream!! 

We all got home, showered, ready for a new week, and crashed! 

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