Friday Favorites | Entertainment, Product, Post, Moment, & Miscellaneous

Hey Y'all! Happy Friday! As I have mentioned before that sometimes I get in a posting "rut" and have no idea what to post. So back in 2020 I came up with this format and I think I am going to try to bring it back. 


This girl and her friends. She cracks me up and keeps me on my toes. Plus I love watching her play golf. 


This Swig Tumbler because hello I spend most of my time watching Ben, Ian, or Ella play golf. 


I love that Tanya met up with fellow bloggers! I think her, myself, and Lindsay need to plan a met up soon. 


Watching these girls play in their area tournament. I will recap more on Tuesday. 


Who remembers my Red, White, and Blue Sangria recipe?? Well I think it needs to be shared again because we are coming up on summer and this sangria is a MUST!!! 

Happy Friday Friends!


Linking up with Momfessionals for Friday Favorites. 

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