As usual, I am sharing a few of our FAVORITES this week!
We had such a fun Halloween night. However, I was so sad...the kids decided to go around the neighborhood as a group while the parents stayed home and gave out candy. I didn't even know what to do with myself! Ian used one of Ben's scary mask that he had and Ella was a scary Vampire/Witch! I miss the days of the cute costumes!
Ian and his friend, Timmy, that lives across the street. They are 4 months apart and the height difference cracks me up!
Ella and Ashlynn. Ashlynn lives next door and thinks Ella hung the moon! Ella is her FAVORITE for sure!
Off they go around the neighborhood as a group of mainly "tweens". They were only allowed to go the short circle and 4 of the 6 had cellphones! Growing up is not a FAVORITE!
Meanwhile, back at the house, Ben and I chilled and handed out candy!
Tuesday afternoon, I had my "glitter" I mean grey covered and had my eyelashes lifted! I LOVE the results. Here is a picture of my lashes with no mascara. I will share a picture with mascara when I get back from Mexico! Sorry for the wide eyes but look at how much my lashes curl! This may be my new FAVORITE beauty treatment!
I weighted in at Weight Watchers on Wednesday this week since we left for Mexico yesterday morning! I only lost 0.4 but I'll take it! I think I was CRAZY setting my weight loss goal this month for 8 pounds! EEK! Any weightloss is a FAVORITE!
Hope you guys have a FANTASTIC weekend!! I'll just be over here hanging by the pool if you need me! HA
Five on Friday girls!

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