But let me catch y'all up on what's been going on around here. Grab our graphic and join us...
You might remember last month that Ben and I attended a silent auction. We got a couple of the professional photos back and I just had to share.
This one cracks me up. Ben was checking to see if we were still winning.
We won a few items.
It was such a fun night to raise money for a great cause.
The night before we left for Aruba this was my view...
Ella was cleaning Daisy's cage so I was in charge of holding her. Trixie loves her.
After I finished packing, I enjoyed a glass of wine and a Hallmark movie.
Ella and I stayed up after bedtime and watched The Little Mermaid LIVE.
Then I was up at 4:30 on Tuesday to do my quiet time and coffee before getting ready and heading to the airport.
In case you messed my Aruba recap, check it out here.

Once we got home I hit the ground running getting everything ready for the "Enjoy the Holly Days" event that I was a vendor at last Thursday night.
and this was at my feet...
For the silent auction at the event, I donated a NYE basket.
All set up...
It was a great event and I was so honored to be asked to be a vendor.
Friday morning, I got the kids off to school and I enjoyed a Peppermint Mocha while walking the aisles of Target.
I checked Ian out of school after 2nd period because him and Ben headed to Reynolds Plantation to play a practice round for his Tour Championship this weekend.
I came home and unpacked, organized, and cleaned from the event on Thursday night.
I set up a Senegence shelf so that I will be able to do demos either at my house or easily grab my supplies to do a demo somewhere else.
I picked Ella up from school and we picked up mexican for dinner. I helped one of my besties daughters with all her questions about starting an Etsy shop.
Then I spent the rest of the night on the couch watching Hallmark Christmas movies by the fire.
Look who joined me...
After the practice round, Ben and Ian went to a basketball game. I was in the bed by 9:15 :)
Saturday morning, I got the boys off the the golf course for Ian's first round of the tour championship while Ella and I stayed home.
I spent the morning here...
At 3:30 I fixed me a drink and settled in to watch the first half of the Georgia game while waiting on the boys to get home.
Then we went over to The Smith's house to watch the second half of the game and celebrate Conyer's birthday.
Sunday morning we were up bright and early to head back to the golf course for the second round of Ian's tournament. It was so cold so we bundled up and Ella played with the Senelooks app while we waited for Ian's tee time.
He came in 5th place so not his best tournament but we are still so proud of him.
We got home around 4:45 last night and chilled for the rest of the evening.
How was your weekend?
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