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During this time of uncertainty, I want to recap our weeks so that I will be able to look back and see the joy of the quietness and slowness of this time.
Sunday, March 22nd-
After my gang got home from the golf course and I was done with my to-do list for that day. I snuggled in my bed to watch Breaking Dawn part 2 and look who joined me.
They do not "social distance" very well. 😉
Monday, March 23rd-
We enjoyed a slow morning, I got on the Peloton around 10, then around 12 Ella and I went to pick up her new glasses. They knew we were on our way so they had us come around the side door and they left her glasses in a drop box. I wiped down the bag and her glasses. After that we had to run into Publix for a few items. Once again we wiped everything down and washed our hands along with everything else.
They didn't get started on school work until around 1:00 that day!
After school work this girl and I baked cupcakes...
and she dozed off after we FaceTimed with my sister and I was listening to our governor's press conference.
Duke is saying " Mom, when are the kids going back to school? It doesn't feel like summer outside yet?" 🤣
That night around 9:30- we returned the toilet to Stephanie so she could wake up with it in her yard for her big 4-0!!! With a TP shortage we couldn't exactly roll her house! HA
Monday was a very emotional day for me and I cried on and off most of the afternoon.
Tuesday, March 24th-
It was Stephanie's 40th Birthday so I sent her a quick text and remembered we lost our sweet Tazy roo 6 years ago. Still miss him everyday but Trixie sure does help the broken pieces.
It was another slow morning and around 12 the kids got started on school work. My kids have not had a certain time they have to "meet" with their teachers. They are given the assignments and they can work on them as they please. I haven't been crazy strict about sticking to a schule as long as they get their work done. However, that all changes this week.
At 2:30- this girl had a ZOOM with her Strong Girl friends!
We are missing our people SO MUCH!
We decided to get outside even though it was cold and yucky but the dogs enjoyed it.
It was a homemade pizza kind of night!
Later that evening we facetimed Stephanie to wish her a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Wednesday, March 25th-
As I was reading the Bible from my Bible App, I saw this prayer and it just spoke to me to share. Our leaders need PRAYERS right now.
Around 10:30 I got on the Peloton again. Then ran through CFA drive through for a change in meals.
The kids worked on school work, Ian went to the golf course, and Ella and I took the dogs for a 1.22 mile walk.
I have been missing my gym friends so bad that we scheduled a 4pm ZOOM call to workout together.

I promise I didn't look like this the whole time working out. We had technical difficulties to begin with! HA
Wednesday evening I had #winewednesday FaceTime call with Talia!
Before bed I cuddled with these girls.
Thursday, March 26th- Sunday, March 29th.
We went to the lake for a long weekend. We did go with another family and we were very good about practicing social distancing. I will recap our weekend at another time.
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