New Year, New Goals, New Word

 Hey Y'all! Happy Monday and Happy New Year. 

My kids have another week off from school and hopefully they will return to in person learning next Monday. But time will tell...

If you blogged, make sure you grab our new graphic and link up below. 

I am sharing my Goals for 2021.

I am keeping my New Year's Resolutions super SIMPLE in 2021. I have learned that if I pick 8-10 goals it gets to overwhelming and I FAIL. With that being said, I am going to pick 2-3 goals for each category and use my monthly goals to for the smaller task to help me achieve my BIG goals.  

Here we go...


1. Change my Mindset Regarding Food. I know y'all are so tired of hearing about my nutrition but with quartaine last year, my eating habits got out of control. I have gained some weight back and I really don't like how I feel or look. I know that we will have special occasions and I will enjoy treats from time to time but I am committed to an 80/20 lifestyle. 

2. Read 60 Books. In 2020, I made a goal to read 55 books and I read 59. In 2021, I hope to read 60. I will share the books I read on GoodReads so make sure you are following me. I hope to recap my self-development books here on the blog. 

My Glittery Heart: 

1. Write 2-3 Sponsored Post. I don't think I had any sponsored post in 2020. I just didn't give it much effort. I do hope to have 2-3 sponsored post this year. I already have a list of companies to reach out to. 

2. Learn how to use Pinterest to Grow my Followers. I know I turn to Pinterest for every little thing so I need to learn to use it for my benefit to grow my readers and customers. I also need to work on adding Pinterest graphics to my post. 

3. Look into Creating an Email List. I have wanted to do this for a while so I am going to bite the bullet and see if it is something that I want to do weekly, bi-weekly, or even monthly! 

Oh My Glitter:

1. Reach 2,000 Sales. I would need 379 sales to reach that goal! Thank you to all of y'all that have supported my small business. It means the world to ME! 

2. Look into Selling in Local Shops or Attend Festivals. I would love to have a booth at some of our local shops but I need to find out more information. Attending Festivals will all depend on #rona. I sure hope this is the year that we return to NORMAL. 

3. Look into Creating an Email List. See above. These email lists would be ONE. 


1. Just Keep Using the Products. I want to stay active as a distributor to get the discount but I have no desire to grow it into a business anymore. I love the products and I know they work but filming myself applying makeup is just not me. I want to focus more on the blog and Oh My Glitter. Those are my two passions. 


Well we all know this one will depend on #rona. If the world returns to normal, we would love to attend...

1. CMA Fest (Which we already have paid for and planned 🤞)
4. All the Golf Trips to watch Ian. 

Now let me share with y'all my ONE LITTLE WORD for 2021 

  1. 1.
    the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.

I am COMMITTED to making this my BEST year yet along with the HEALTHIEST year ever. 

My Bible Verse to reference to this year....

I purchased this image from Snow & Co. to hang in my Craft Room.  

 So tell me ONE thing you hope to ACCOMPLISH this year or ONE thing you hope to COMMIT to???

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