Our Week with Valentine's Day, Winterfest, and Ear Piercing

Hey Y'all! Remember me?!?! 😉 Last week got away from me so I am finally recapping the week of February 14th-20th!! 

Monday, February 14th- 

Coffee, Jesus, but no school. I did go to Striplings to get Steak and Lobster for Valentine's Dinner. I cleaned house, started orders, blog post, and my kids went to golf practice. Ian went to Kathryn's house for dinner. But we did go to CFA for heart shaped biscuits

Tuesday, February 15th- 

Coffee and Jesus, Kids to School, and Beauty to Ashes at church. Then it was all the things. including Ella's 8th grade ad. I can't even y'all! I'm going to blink and I will be putting together her SENIOR ad. It's bad enough that her brother is about to START ALL THINGS SENIOR! 

Wednesday, February 16th- 

Coffee, Jesus, Kids to School, Peloton ride, laundry, work on 8th grade dance stuff, and lunch with Talia. Kids had golf practice, dinner, showers, and BED! 

But that evening, I searched for inspiration...
I'm really wanting to revamp our laundry closet. 

and my pantry...

Thursday, February 17th- 

Coffee, Jesus, Kids to school, laundry, clean out craft room, hair appointment, pick up Ella, Golf practice, Spray tan, finish craft room clean out, dinner, showers, and bed. and not one picture. 

Friday, February 18th- 

Coffee, Jesus, Peloton ride, get myself ready, kids to school, then an 8th grade dance meeting, laundry, clean sweep of house, work on orders, make dog food, schedule a pick up, etc. 

Lunch with Colleen, Sandra, Dixie, and Haley in Athens. Then I grabbed Ella from school and we had a nail appointment. 
After the nails, we meet Ian and Kathryn for dinner at Longhorns for dinner then we went to see DOG the movie. It was really cute!! 

Saturday, February 19th- 

Coffee, Jesus, Quick run to Target, and then I headed to a baby shower for Meridith! 

My gang played in a golf tournament to support Brett's team. 

Later that evening, we went to Ben's annual Winterfest for work. 

We got home late and I was exhausted. 

Sunday, February 20th- 

Coffee, Jesus, Church, Lunch, and 8th grade dance shopping. But before we shopped, Ella got her 3rd hole (which she has now taking out because the girl pierced them uneven) 

We also didn't come home with a dress but we have ordered one online! 

We ended our night with Trixie snuggles. 

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