Our Week with Wine Trivia Night, Kameron Marlowe Concert, and a Thanksgiving Celebration

Happy Monday Y'all! I hope y'all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break with your loved ones. I am recapping November 13th-19th. 

Monday, November 13th- 

Coffee and Jesus. Ella went to school. I got a ride on the Peloton. Got ready and headed to Publix and Target. When I got home and got everything out away, I worked on my to-do list. Ella got home, chilled, and then went to CFA for dinner and to Young Life. 

Tuesday, November 14th- 

Coffee and Jesus. Ella went to school and I went to a prayer workshop at The Oasis. I came home and watched several of the videos in my sourdough subscription. 

This was my company while I was learning all things sourdough. 

Ben and I went to a Young Life meeting that night since we are on the golf tournament committee. We picked up CFA for dinner, got home, ate, and crashed. 

Wednesday, November 15th- 

Coffee and Jesus. Ella went to school. I dropped the pups off at their grooming appointment at 8:30.  I had a dentist appointment at 9:20 and then I went to pick up 3lbs of sausage from a local meat market to come home and roll out all 3 lbs of sausage into sausage balls for Ben's Thanksgiving lunch on Thursday. 

But first I snapped this picture of Trixie because apparently going to the groomer is just exhausting. 

Later that evening when Ben got home, we headed to Wine Trivia night at The Lobby. We didn't win but we had a great evening. 

(This picture was on their social media page on Thursday) 

After the wine tasting, we walked over to The Bistro to share some appetizers and another drink. We got home, Ian got home from college for Thanksgiving break, Ella got home from campaigners, and we all crashed. 

Thursday, November 16th- 

I was up early to cook all the sausage balls before Ben left for work. Then I enjoyed my coffee and Jesus time. I just worked on more of my to do list. Ella got home from school. Ian got home from the course. Ben got home from work. Ella went to a basketball. I can't even remember what I fixed for dinner. HAHA 

Friday, November 17th- 

Ben and Ian left for Ponte Vedra for a golf weekend with Jay (Ian's roommate and his dad, Jimmy) Ella had a rough morning and ended up going to school and then coming straight back home. She slept in, I ran a few errands, and then it was time for us girls to get ready for the Kameron Marlowe concert. We got to Leigh Anne's around 5 and we all headed to Athens. 

Bailey, Matt, and 2 of their friends met us at 5 Bar for dinner before the concert. 

It was the GA/Tenn game on Saturday and we walked past this sign and I had to take a picture because I will NEVER wear that gaudy orange. It is not in my color wheel 😉

Elvie Shane opened for Kameron Marlowe. 

It was a great concert and a great night!! 

Saturday, November 18th- 

The girls and I slept in, Ella went to get us breakfast at CFA and then we just chilled for the entire day. I am not made to drink so much and stay out to midnight anymore. 😏

We watched the Georgia day at 3:30 and look who won....

Ella went to a basketball game at 7:30 and I had to stay awake until she got home. It was a struggle! HA 

As soon as she walked in the door, I walked upstairs to bed! 

Sunday, November 19th- 

Coffee and Jesus. I got busy cleaning up the house, did laundry, and got my food ready to take to Ben's aunts house for Thanksgiving. We enjoyed our time with the family but we were missing our guys. They got home around 6 and we got home around 6:30. We shared all about our weekends, the guys unpacked, and I got us set up for another week. 

Cheers to another week friends! 

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