With all of that being said, I hope you will grab our graphic and join us for Hello Monday!

Let me backup to the week of March 9th until now.
I have mentioned before that I am on the book launching team for Dawn Barton. Y'all you need this book. She has tried everything she knows to do to get her book released early because we could all use some JOY through the Ugly Cry right now. But if you Pre-Order you will get the first 4 chapters! It's GOOD y'all!
I enjoyed snuggles with Trixie!
Played with different colors of LipSense.
March 11th- Watched Ian in a High School Match which could have possibly been his last match this school year.
March 12th- Played with the True Love LipSense Collection.
Friday the 13th-the dogs had no intentions of being productive! HA
We did get to celebrate my niece, Amber, turn 30.
March 14th- You could find Trixie and I on the couch drinking wine because we didn't even know how to handle life at that point! HA
But Sunday morning you could find us in the same spot with online church. #jesusdrankwine
and that afternoon we were back into the wine and having a Twilight marathon because I had to remove myself from all social media and news.
And Duke was looking for his other people to arrive back home because he was scared I was losing it! 😉
Tuesday, March 17th started with some self-care because at that point that was all I could control. Monday the 16th was just a blur.
But we did get out for lunch and wore our green for St. Patrick's Day.
Trixie was loving being quartatine at this point.
We entertained ourselves by taking selfies...
By Wednesday the 18th, I was cleaning everything including my makeup brushes because they can harbor a lot of germs. FYI
By Thursday we "social-distanced" ourselves at the golf course...
then huddled on the couch for TV time...
Friday was "Free Friday", I dropped the kids off at the golf course with Ben while I did house work, washed my car, etc. We all needed a change of scenery.
I even started pulling out my Easter decorations.
Friday evening, we hung out on the back deck!
Saturday afternoon, Ian played in a golf tournament. Since it is an outside sport and no physical contact you could "social distance" yourself. They did do a few changes like not offer the players drinks, for them not to touch the flag sticks, no shaking hands, etc.
We needed this tie outside.
When we got home Ella had a gift on the front porch. A new pair of UGG boots!
Sunday morning my gang went back to the course while I watched church online, did laundry, cut up fruit and veggies for the week, and made a small grocery list that I will have to go out and get at some point! UGH!
I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy!
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