Our Week with a New Porch, Kathryn's Senior Night, The Flu, and a Pumpkin Patch .

 Happy Wednesday Y'all! How is your week going so far! I am recapping last week and weekend. 

Monday, October 3rd- 

Its was a normal day of coffee, Jesus, kids to school. I made dog food, did more laundry, updated the planner. Picked up Ella and then took her to Young Life, Ian picked her up after golf and visiting Kathryn.

Once everyone was home we all crashed. 

But I did have a sweet visitor...

and a new porch.... 

Tuesday, October 4th- 

Coffee, Jesus, kids to school, and then I went to volunteer at the Oasis for church but not before I snapped these pictures for last Fridays post. 

I had lunch with Ian and then a Target run. After I picked up Ella and Ian's dentist appointment, we went to support our favorite Volleyball player for Senior Night. 

We love our Kathryn. 

Wednesday, October 5th- 

Coffee, Jesus, kids to school. Finished a book, cleaned the kitchen, ran to Publix, then started vegetable beef soup for dinner. 

Ian got home from school for lunch before his college classes. I went to check out Ella because she was coughing her head off. 

Ian worked on an essay and Ella rested. 

Ben got home and we ate dinner, showered, and crashed. 

Thursday, October 6th- 

I checked on Ella around 4am and she had a temp of 101.6 so I was up and down until Ian got up and ready for school. 
I laid back down because I was exhausted and my allergies were crazy. 

I woke up around 8:45 and slowly got my morning going. I did a clean sweep of the house, ate breakfast, worked in the craft room, and took these 2 plus Duke to CFA for lunch. No worries we went through the drive through....

Her fever came back late afternoon! UGH! 

We just chilled and took it easy while the guys played in there Thursday night match. 

Friday, October 7th- 

First Day of Fall Break. Coffee, Jesus, Boys to Valdosta for a guys weekend. I was able to get Ella a doctor's appointment for 2:45. 

She rested in her bed and the pups were enjoying the SUN! 

The Doctor tested her for strep and flu and flu came back positive. UGH! 

Flu A + but still smiles. 

We ran through CFA drive through again then home to relax. I worked in the Etsy Shop getting all the inventory up to date so I could have an "as is" SALE!! 

By 8pm, her fever was up to 103 after Motrin and I was freaking out. Give me all the bodily fluids just not high fevers. 

By 10:30, her fever was down to 100.8 so I went on to bed while she got a second wind. I told her to wake me up if she started feeling yucky again. I woke up at 3 and I checked on her. Her fever was normal. Thank goodness but by 4am she came to my bed and her legs were mainly covered in hives. I gave her a Benadryl and we crawled back to bed. 

Saturday, October 8th- 

Once I woke up, I worked around the house doing a few things, made soup, and just relaxed with my girl.  

I posted about my "as is" Sale.

Her hives were looking a little better. 

But by 2pm, they were crazy again. From what I have gathered. It's a reaction from the flu and a high fever. 

Got Ella settled and turned on the Georgia game. Y'all know I am just here for a good party and UGA! 

These 2 were exhausted so they crashed for a while. 

and I was still on the watch for UGA! 

Posted about my Christmas sale. 

Checked on the boys location and they were at the VSU game. Y'all my son could be a freshman there next year. How is that even possible?? 

More UGA! #sorry He is just precious! 

Ben sent me this...

Our DAWGS beat Auburn 42-10 
Ella and I crashed. 

Sunday, October 9th- 

Coffee, Jesus, and a slow morning. Finally these 2 started to wake up and she was feeling good so we got ready and busted out of the house. 

After Grammy brought us lunch, we picked up LB and headed to a pumpkin patch and Target. 

Once we got home, Addison joined the girls and they carved pumpkins!! 

We came in and watched Mamma Mia! 

Movie Faces! HA 

By 10:15, I moved to my bed and looked who joined me....

Bed Bugs and a PUG!! 😆😆😆

I fell asleep around 11:30 and the boys pulled into the driveway around 1:30am. It was a LONG weekend!! 

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