We attended the GA/Vandy game at the beginning of the month but I am really hoping we can attend a home game this year. The stadium is only about 25 minutes from our house but sometimes getting tickets is quite difficult.
We have hosted the Bulldawg Bash for the first game of the season for many, many years but we didn't this year because we traveled to Nashville. So we have moved the Bulldawg Bash to this weekend for the GA/Norte Dame game.
I love to decorate the house for all occasions so Fall is no different. However, this year I do plan to tone it down some. I'm not sure that I am going to decorate the whole house for Halloween either. The kids do not really care anymore so I may save all my energy for Christmas 😁
I may not decorate the whole house for Halloween but I can assure you the Bar Cart will be decked out in Halloween. I think it is going to have a Hocus Pocus theme this year.
Ella has already started asking to make Apple Cider so I can't wait to have a pot of it on the stove on cool Fall evenings.
I love breaking out the bread machine this time of year and pumpkin spice bread is first on the list
I don't care how big my kids are getting we will always go to a pumpkin patch and carve pumpkins. It's just tradition.
I mean is there anything better than a crockpot full of chili and football on the tv?!?!?
I can't believe my baby girl is going to be 12 this year. She needs to hurry up and decide on a theme.
Oh the options are endless with this one and I can't wait to have lots of fun!
ELEVEN- Watch a Halloween Movie Outside
I would love for us to blow up the big screen and watch a Halloween themed movie outside.
I'm not sure that my kids will trick or treat this year but at least maybe we can hand out candy together
Last year I hosted Thanksgiving for my family and I will be happy to do it again. We will see how my mom is feeling.
Ella loves making waffles on the weekends, I hope we can spice it up and make a few different recipes this Fall.
Oh how I LOVE Fall Festivals and I can't wait to attend several this Fall.
We love attending our friends annual bonfire each year so we are already looking forward to it this year.
With my Espresso machine, I can't wait to try different latte recipes.
EIGHTEEN- Visit an Apple Orchard
Last year was our first year visiting an apple orchard and we had a blast so I hope to do it again this year.
NINETEEN- Eat Caramel Apples
After picking all those apples, caramel apples are a MUST
TWENTY- Go to the Fair
This is something that Ella does every year with one of her besties because the thought of riding those fair rides makes me sick.
TWENTY ONE- Host Friendsgiving.
In the past, I had hoped to host a Friendsgiving and it didn't work out so I started hosting FriendsMAS but I hope to do both this year.
We hope to make it to the lake with our besties this Fall and that always means a bonfire with SMORES!
We do this every year and I hope this year is no different.
TWENTY FOUR- Enjoy Fall Break
We don't have any concrete plans yet but I hope to soon.
It's our Thanksgiving morning tradition before we head to family get togethers.
I can't wait to start crossing off all the fun items on our list!
20 Items crossed off the list out of 25 isn't bad at all!
Now here are some pictures!

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