Let's Start with A U G U S T Goals.
1. Catch up on Bible Reading. I got about a week behind on the bible app so I hope to get caught back up this month.
2. Get Back on Track with my Cleaning Cards. July was a CRAZY month and it took everything I had just to keep up with the basis cleaning much less do any deep cleaning.
3. Track in my WW app. I know I said in my yearly goals that I wanted to find a FREE way to track my food and fitness but y'all I need the accountability right now.
4. Lose 5 lbs. Now that I am back on WW and working out with my trainer. I hope to lose 5 lbs or 5 inches this month.
5. Have the inside of our house painted. I know this is a big one but I am really hoping I can get this checked off my Master to do list this month. or at the least get it scheduled.
6. Start 100 Days to Brave by Annie F. Downs. I have read this book I believe 2 times and this go round I am using the Guided Journal companion.
7. Utilize the Dash Board pages in my Planners. I have not been utilizing these pages at ALL. So this month I hope to use one monthly layout as my wellness tracker and the other monthly layout as a blog post/instagram post planner.
8. Have Lunch with a Bestie. Oh how I can't wait to start meeting my besties for lunch again when the kids start back to school.
9. Get my MAC back and working. Y'all I miss my MAC. My old one is just not as fast as my new one. #firstworldproblems
1. Start Back to School in person. Ella is so excited to start back to school and see her teachers and friends. Ian would be fine staying home and continuing digital learning but he is going back to school.
2. Get into a Routine. We need a routine SO BAD.
3. Have a Pizza and Popcorn Night. I have this planned for the first Friday after starting back to school because I have a feeling we are all going to be exhausted so a movie night at home will be perfect.
My Glittery Heart:
1. Share my Football Bar Cart. I can't wait to decorate the bar cart for football. Football season is going to look different this year but that won't stop us from celebrating.
2. Share My Updated Front Porch. I have been having so much fun decorating my Front Porch that I can't wait to share it with y'all.
3. Share All my Trader Joe's Finds. EEK I plan on making a few trips to TJ's this month and I can't wait to show y'all what I purchase.
4. Pitch to TWO companies. With us getting back into a routine and the blog back to a regular schedule, I hope to pitch to TWO companies this month.
5. Post regularly on Social Media. I am really bad about posting on a regular basis and then just neglecting the platform for awhile. I am hoping if I plan post I will actual post them.
Oh My Glitter:
1. Work on Fall & Christmas Designs. I can't wait to start creating new pieces for my favorite time of the year!
2. Post regularly on Social Media. I am really bad about posting on a regular basis and then just neglecting the platform for awhile. I am hoping if I plan post I will actual post them.
1. Share different make-up/LipSense looks regularly on Social Media. I know if I am consistent with sharing these amazing products then I will slowly grow my business.
2. Host a Sale. I am working on planning a few different sales for the Fall/Winter and I am really excited about it.
Now let me share with y'all how I did in J U L Y...
✓1. Get adapted to my new planner.
✖️.2. Continue Gym schedule.
✓3. Work on Master Home Improvement List
✖️.4. Lunch with a Bestie.
X1. Go to the Beach.
✓. Celebrate 4th of July.
X3. Back to School Shopping.
✓4. Work on our Summer Bucket List.
My Glittery Heart:
X1. Share on Pinterest.
X2. Plan post for next quarter.
X3. Blog 2 days a week.
Oh My Glitter:
X1. Christmas in July sale.
X2. Plan Fall ideas.
X3. Recreate some Fall creations.
X1. Share Stock and Discount.
I didn't get a whole lot of anything accomplished last month but considering everything that happened last month, I am giving myself GRACE.
xoxo Heather
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