On Tuesday I recapped our Fall Break and on Wednesday I recapped Ella's birthday party so today I am sharing the last bit of FUN that we had on Fall Break. We went to one of our FAVORITE places... Jaemor Farms.
After we visited my grandmother last Sunday, we all headed out to lunch and then to Jaemor Farms.
First things first, Hunter wanted to sit on the big tractor.
Cory and Halie
Ryker and Hunter
We ventured down to the petting zoo.
My cousin, Shonda, with her youngest son, Ryker!
Ian and Ella thought it was funny to reference Trixie as a pig. 😉
Down the slide we went and this happened....
It was WET & MUDDY so we had dirty booties for the rest of the day!
A little trike riding.
and corn stalkin'...
Pumpkin tractor ridin'...
a little corn mazin'...
Pumpkin Pickin'...
It was such a FUN FAMILY day! My sister told Ella that she was so thankful she had a fall birthday so we could do fun fall activities to celebrate our girl!
We came home with 2 bags of Apples 2 jugs of Apple Cider, and 2 loaves of Bread.
The apples have been delicious for my Apple Nachos.

Linking up with Andrea and Whitney!
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