Friday Favorites | Front Porch

Happy Friday Friends! We are waking up at one of our FAVORITE places! The LAKE with some of our FAVORITE people! The Boswell's! 

For today's post, I need your HELP! I want to redecorate my front porch but I am stuck on what type of chairs to purchase for it. We moved into our house 17 years ago in August. I have had traditional rocking chairs on it since then. The ones I currently had on my porch were old with chipping paint so I sat them with our trash one week and someone picked them up. Which was fine with me. 

So here is where I need your help...

Here is what my porch currently looks like.

This is the type chairs that I was thinking about adding but y'all tell me what you would do with this space! 

This was the type rocking chair that I had on the porch. and I am not opposed to adding rocking chairs back but I really needed new ones. 

Of course, I will add decorative pillows and blankets. My goal for my front porch is to be able to move my coffee and Jesus time outside. I can't enjoy my quiet time on the back deck because it is not covered and the chairs are wet from the morning dew #firstworldproblems. 

My point is that I want to make my front porch my new FAVORITE quiet time spot but I'm stuck on how to do that!!! HELP! 

Let me know your thoughts and ideas in the comments. 

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