Our Week when Ella was asked to be a Bridesmaid and Ella got a CAR!

Hey Y'all! How was your weekend? We had a great one so I am recapping last week and this weekend. 


Monday, October 2nd- 

I woke up feeling pretty crappy. My throat hurt so bad but I did get up and enjoy my coffee and quiet time. Got Ella off to school. When I got back home, I did get some work done. Laundry, sheets, cleaned Ian's room and bathroom, I packaged orders, typed a blog post, and ordered groceries. 

Look who enjoyed the clean sheets....

I picked Ella up from school, made ritz chicken for dinner, cleaned up the kitchen, took Ella to YL, showered and then went back to pick her up. When we got home, we chilled and then crashed. 

Tuesday, October 3rd- 

Coffee and got Ella to school. I came home worked on golf booster club paper work, decorated for Halloween. Ian was playing in a golf tournament about an hour and a half away so Ben and Kathryn went to watch him. He came in Tied for 22nd as an individual and LC came in Tied for 5th place. 

 I picked up Ella from school and then a friend picked her up and they went to play 9 holes and to dinner afterwards. 

Ben and Kathryn got home. I made us quesadillas for dinner, cleaned up, and it was only 5:15! HA I worked on blog post, laundry, and all the other house stuff. 

 Kathryn was hoping Bella would come visit while she was at the house and about an hour after she left look who showed up.



Everyone was home, showered, and bed. 

Wednesday, October 4th- 

Coffee and Jesus, Ella to school, home to read, and then the pups had grooming appointment at 9:30. I came home to read more and make a few phone calls. I was not feeling very motivated to do anything. Then it was time to pick up the pups and Ella. 

We ordered pizza for dinner and called it a day!! 

Thursday, October 5th- 

Coffee, Jesus, and Ella to school. I weighted in and was down -0.4! Then I decorated the bar cart. 


It was time to pick up Ella, blog, and then took her to the high school for the JV game. I came home and did a few more things before going back to pick up Ella. 

We got home and I crashed. 

Friday, October 6th- 

First day of Fall Break. So I enjoyed a slow morning of coffee and Jesus. Hopped on a WW virtual meeting. 


Then it was time to get ready and Ella and I headed to our 11AM nail appointment. Then met Ben and Talia at lunch at Legend's. After lunch, Talia went home, Ben and Ella went to play golf, and I went to run all the errands... car wash, Ulta, Bath and Body Works, Target, Publix, and Striplings. Then it was home to put up all the groceries, pour a glass of wine and CHILL. Ian got home around 8PM and was kind enough to run his sister to the high school for the haunted trail. Ben and I chilled on the couch and around 9:30, Ben went to pick up Ella. I waited for them to get home and we all CRASHED! 

Saturday, October 7th- 

My alarm went off at 6:30AM. but at least it was for a FUN day. We left the house at 8:30AM, ran through CFA, and then headed to The Boswell's for Bailey's Bridal Brunch. This is how she asked her girls to be her bridesmaids. It was so CUTE and PERFECT!

I love these two!! 

Missing 3 girls 😥

We love the blondes to our brunettes. 


Love her like my own. 

I can't wait to watch my girl stand beside our Bailey for one of the most important days of her life. 

Then it was home to get ready for Ella's birthday dinner at our house. Grammy, Chris, Emma, and The Boswell's came over for dinner and cake. 


 Look at Ella's sign. 

Look at her CAR. We got her a Lexus NX. It's so Pretty. 

I love the ice cream cake that Grammy brought. 

The Boswell's went home and the others went to play cards while the dogs crashed. 

and I went back out on the back deck to finish watching this guy. 

DAWGS WIN! Everyone left, I cleaned up the kitchen, covered the outside chairs, and sat for a few minutes before CRASHING. 

Sunday, October 8th- 

We were all up around 8AM, enjoyed coffee and eggs. Then we all got ready while the boys headed to the course to play with Ian's roommate Jay and his dad, Jimmy. While myself, Ella, and Grammy went to Athens for lunch and shopping. We got home around 3PM and took a NAP! Then I typed this blog post, waited for Ben to get home and Ian to head to LC. I folded a load of laundry, ordered dinner, and crashed. 


We did take pictures with her 16 balloons. 


and better pictures with her sign. 

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