Monthly Goals | August 2023

Hey Y'all! Happy August 2nd!! New Month = New Goals 




Let's start with A U G U S T....



1. Delete 1,000 pictures. Y'all my camera roll is out of control. I have over 13,000 pictures. 

2. Continue going to my WW weigh ins and meetings. That's where you can find me every Thursday morning. 

3. Mark 4-5 items off the home improvement list. I am ready to clean out and organize all the things since the kids are going back to school. 

4. Get into a routine. Our lives are about to drastically change when Ian moves out and Ella starts driving. I will have to make sure I create a routine for my mental health. 



1. Ella start her sophomore year of high school. I can't believe she is already starting her second year of high school. 

2. Move Ian into his dorm. I am so excited for him and dreading it all at the same time. 

3. Host the Annual JGO. Ben has hosted this golf tournament in memory of his grandfather for 18 years and this is the 4th year that we are hosting it to benefit Ella's high school golf team. 

4. Member-Member Tournament. We love watching Ben and Ian play in the member-member at the club But this year Ian will not be able to play and we are so sad. Ben is playing with his brother this year. Plus the I get to join them on Saturday evening for a dinner. 

My Glittery Heart: 

1. Share Bulldawg Bar Cart. Y'all know how much I love the bar cart. It's so fun to decorate for all the occasions. 

2. Share Carpool ideas. I have sat in carpool for many, many years and have found creative ways to spend that time so I thought I would share since I only have 2.5 more months of sitting in carpool line. 

3. Share Outfits. Part of one of my personal goals is to get into a routine and that includes actual getting dressed and not just wearing lounge clothes everyday. 

4. Share Dorm Room Essentials. I know I am not the first mama to send her child off to college but I think it will be fun to share some of the items that I have purchased for his room to maybe help another mama. Shopping for a boys dorm is very overwhelming because Ian doesn't care. It will be so different when it comes Ella's time to shop for a dorm room. 


Oh My Glitter: 


1. Share on social media. I'm excited to get back to consistent posting. 

2. Make 1 party in a box. Last August, I shared that I had an idea brewing in my head. That idea was to create a box that had several party items in it. So I am going to make one happen this month! 

What do you hope to accomplish this month? 



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