Our Week with Halloween and Decorating for Christmas.

Happy Tuesday Y'all. How has your week started off?? I hope good! I am recapping last week and weekend. 

Monday, October 30th- 

Coffee and Jesus. Weighed in and a virtual WW meeting. Ride on the Peloton, ran to Publix and got my planner set up for the next few weeks. 

Trixie was living her best Monday life. 

I saw this and WOW. 

Hello old friend. 

Ella got home from school. We chilled, I cooked spaghetti for dinner, she ate and went to YL. Ben got home, he ate, I cleaned up the kitchen, showered, and crashed. But look how sweet Trixie looked all curled up in the bed. 

I shared my blog post for the day. I need to do this more often. 

Here was Ella and her friends at YL all dressed up. 

Tuesday, October 31st- 

Coffee and Jesus. Ella went to school. I put white chili chicken in the crockpot, got ready, and headed to the The Oasis for a cooking demo. I ran to Publix for a few things and then got home to do a little work. 
Ella got home from school. She rested and then got ready to head to Addison's for a Halloween bonfire. She spent the night at Addison's. Meanwhile, Ben and I ate dinner and then sat in the driveway to hand out candy. We came inside around 8:15. I kept the porch light on until 9:00. We only had 1 other trick or treater during that time. I cleaned up the kitchen and I crawled into bed. 

I did see this meme and in my opinion it is so TRUE! 

Wednesday, November 1st- 

Coffee, Jesus, Ella to school. I enjoyed a slow quiet morning. Then I put up all the Fall/Halloween decorations, pulled out all the Christmas decorations, and by 3:00 this is what my house looked like...

By 9:00 pm, this was my current situation waiting for Ella to get home from a basketball game. 

(ignore the black. marks, y'all know me and my dirty books 😉) 

We crashed shortly after she got home. 

Thursday, November 2nd- 

Coffee, Jesus, Ella went to school. I worked in the craft room and worked on putting out more Christmas decorations. 

Ella got home from school. Ben for home from work. We ate dinner, cleaned up the kitchen, showered, a little reading on the couch before bed. 

I saw this and couldn't stop laughing. There are 2 types of people this time of year. 

Friday, November 3rd-

We were all up early for work, school, and I headed to a vendor event. I got to the school around 10:00 am, got set up by 10:30. I had several teachers and staff stop by, handed out some business cards, and sold 3 items. Again, I didn't take a picture 😢

Ben and Walt headed to Valdosta to play in the alumni tournament. Ian got home for the weekend around 3:00. I pulled into the driveway at 3:15 and Ella pulled in shortly after. 

I put on my comfy clothes and planted my butt on the couch for the evening. Ella went to Addison's to ride with them to the football game and spend the night. 

Ian went to visit Grammy and Chris. Then him and Kathryn got home, I read a little bit more, and crashed. 

I promise not to post Christmas tree pictures every week but I just love this view. 


Saturday, November 4th- 

Coffee and Jesus. Ian got up and headed to the golf course. I ran a few errands them home to put taco soup in the crock pot, Ella got home from Addison's, I worked in the craft room, and then turned on the Georgia game. Dang y'all! What a game! but our Bulldawgs pulled off another win. 30-21. Ben got home right before the game ended. He ate dinner and then we just chilled the rest of the evening. 

She cracks me up when she comes to the couch with her bone wanting up with me. 


Sunday, November 5th- 

Coffee and Jesus. Ben headed to play in an USAM tour tournament. He WON his flight. Ian and Kathryn headed to the golf course. Ella headed to church with friends. While I did all the laundry and was just lazy. Ben picked up El Real on his way home, I collected trash and took it the street. Ella went to play pickleball with friends and Ian headed back to college. Ben and I curled up on the couch. 

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