Our Week with a New Roof, Cleaning Out the Attic, and The Bulldawgs.

Happy Thursday Y'all! I hope your week is going well  

I am recapping last week and weekend. 

Monday, August 29th- 

Coffee, Jesus, Kids to School. Then I worked on orders, blog posts Golf Booster Club, and laundry. Picked Ella up at FFA, cooked dinner, dishes, showers, and bed. 

Tuesday, August 30th- 

Coffee, Jesus, Kids to School. Then I worked in the craft room to get ready for a Vendor event that evening. 
Dropped off coffee for a training event for church. 
Came home to finish packing up for the event, picked up Ella, loaded the car and headed to my vendor event. Y'all I didn't take one picture. However, Ian went to Kathryn's volleyball game and they saw one of their 5th grade teachers. 

Wednesday, August 31st- 

Coffee, Jesus, Kids to School. I got myself together to head to my hair appointment. I came home to bring everything down from the attic because we were getting a new roof on Thursday. I didn't have to bring everything down but I did need to cover everything. However, our attic had 19 years of stuff in it so there was no "covering". It really needed to be cleaned out so this forced me to do it. 

Ian went to the course at school and Ben picked Ella up on his way home from work. We ate tacos for dinner, chilled, and then CRASHED! 

But look what I found in the attic.....

Ian's first pair of GOLF SHOES! Well they sat on the dresser in his nursery because it was golf themed. 

Thursday, September 1st- 

Coffee, Jesus, Kids to School. But the crew was at our house early to start the new roof. I looked out the back door at one point and this was my view! 

This was my craft room. Everything from the attic but I was able to get a lot accomplished before I had to get the workers to move their stuff so I could get out to go get Ella. 

I was exhausted and we crashed. 

Friday, September 2nd- 

The kids were out of school to start the Labor Day Holiday so I enjoyed a slow morning with coffee and Jesus. Ian headed to the course, then I eventually went to the grocery store and took Ella to Addison's. 

I finished going through all the stuff from the attic and got everything back into the attic that I was keeping, did a clean sweep of the house, loaded all the GoodWill stuff into my car, and then sat on the couch for the evening. 

Saturday, September 3rd- 

Ella was at the lake with a friend, boys headed to the course, and I enjoyed my morning of coffee, Jesus, and another trip to the grocery store and a GoodWill drop off. I brought in the bins of Fall decorations when we had a break in the rain. 

I sent this picture to Ella. I said "Trixie misses you" 

My guys got home and Grammy and Chris came over for the game. We grilled steaks, baked potatoes, and salad. 

I poured a glass of wine and watched the game. 

I might have dosed off a few times! HA 

But look who WON.....

Grammy and Chris headed home, Ian and Kathryn watched movies, and Ben andI watched more football (well I read) and then headed to bed. 

Sunday, September 4th- 

Y'all I was the laziest human on the face of the earth. I did make potato soup and did a little decorating for Fall. oh and laundry but that was it and not a picture to show for it! 😂

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