Our Week with All the Christmas Celebrations.

Happy Wednesday Y'all! We had a great Christmas on Monday! We will start taking down all the Christmas decorations today. I love to start the new year with a clean slate aka my house! 

I am recapping last week and weekend!! 

Monday, December 18th- 

Coffee and Jesus. Ella went to school a little late for a final. I got ready and headed to lunch and shopping with Talia. 

Yes, we ordered a margarita at 11AM. 

We shopped and when I got everything put away, I made spaghetti for dinner and then chilled for the evening. 

Tuesday, December 19th- 

Coffee and Jesus. I took the pups to the groomer, picked up a Target order, got home, and Ian had a dentist appointment at 9:20. 

Ella didn't have school because she was able to exempt her final for this day so she got ready and headed to Ben's office to see him and have lunch with her dad and a few of his sales reps. It was the first time she drove to his office by herself and she was so excited! 

I picked the pups up from the groomer. Once Ian was finished at the dentist, I met him at Quicklane to get his truck serviced and then him and I headed to the Mall of GA for a return and to buy a few more gifts. 

Look at sweet Duke...

We all got home, I made quesadillas for dinner, and we enjoyed a slow evening. 

Wednesday, December 20th- 

Coffee and Jesus. I started cleaning house and then I had a 10:45 hair appointment. After my hair appointment, I went to Striplings to get burgers and then ran to Publix. Got home, unpacked everything, and finished cleaning for our Christmas celebration with The Boswells. 

Before The Boswells got to the house, Kathryn gave me my Christmas gift. Her and her dad made me a stove cover. I LOVE it!! 

Love my LeLe. 

We had a great time with some of our favorite people. We love doing life with them. 

They left,  my people headed to their rooms, and I cleaned up my kitchen. 

Thursday, December 21st- 

Coffee, Jesus, and then Kathryn and I ran to WalMart to grab a few items to have a day of making Christmas treats. 

We had such a fun day. 

That evening, Ian went to Grammy's house for dinner while Ben, myself, and Ella went to Friends for dinner. 

When we got home, I got right back into my comfy clothes and chilled on the couch. 

Friday, December 22nd- 

Coffee and Jesus. We enjoyed a slow morning then I went to pick up Duke's medicine which the vet was out of so I went on a wild goose chase of finding a pharmacy that carried canine medicine. Well after going to the places they told me, I went back to the vet to see what else I needed to do and they were able to provide me with enough pills to get Duke through until their shipment was delivered. (which should be today) 
Once I got home, I got ready and started getting everything ready to head to my mom's for Christmas. 

We got to my mom's around 5PM. Ian and Kathryn met us at Grandma's because they had a Christmas as her dad's house. 

We have tacos and fajitas.  We also had an early Christmas sweater party. 

We got the little boys Nerf Guns and then a war broke out. 

Love these people so much. 

We had SO MUCH fun and lots of laughs. 

We got home around 10PM, unpacked everything, and got ready for Saturday. 

Saturday, December 23rd- 

Coffee and Jesus. Ben went to play in a tournament. I got busy doing laundry and then locked myself in my craft room to wrap all the gifts. 
I did a clean sweep of the house and then got ready to go to dinner, grab Starbucks, and head to drive around and look at lights. 

Ian went to a Christmas was Kathryn and then they drove around looking at Christmas lights and stopping by her sisters house. 

Sunday, December 24th- Christmas Eve. 

Coffee and Jesus. Enjoyed a slow day. Then we let the kids open one gift before we got ready for 5PM Candlelight service at church. 

Ian opened a belt. 

Ella got her Kendra Scott necklace. 

Kathryn got a Chromebook for college. 

Our favorite service of the whole year. 

We headed to Ninja and had to wait about an hour and a half. 😒 but the food was so worth it. We got home close to 10pm and then all pretty much crashed!! 

Bless you if you are still reading this. :) 

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