Our Week with Team Bramlett Party, Ornament Exchange, and Bramlett Christmas

Hey Y'all! Happy Tuesday! This time next week I will be starting to take down all my Christmas decorations. I can't believe in 2 weeks we will be on the 2nd day of 2024! CRAZY! 

I will say that between now and when my kids go back to school on January 8th, the blog will have sporadic blog post! 

But for today, I am recapping last week and this weekend. 


Monday, December 11th- 

Coffee and Jesus. We were all on the struggle bus getting in at 12AM. Ella went to school. I got myself together and went to mail our Christmas cards. Then I picked up lunch, ate, and got busy cleaning house and doing all the laundry. 

This is how Trixie felt about my cleaning like a mad lady! HA She got out of the way. 

Ella got home and I worked in the craftroom while she napped and then her and I went to eat at El Real. Ben had a gout flare up so he came straight home and got off his foot. 

Tuesday, December 12th- 

Coffee and Jesus. I got ready and headed to my Advent Class at The Oasis. Ian came home from school for CHRISTMAS BREAK and I met him for lunch. Then I went to Publix and did a little Christmas shopping. I made Clean Monday Meals Chicken Tortilla soup. It was so GOOD!!! 

Wednesday, December 13th- 

Coffee and Jesus. Ella went to school. Then I headed to the girly doctor and Ian headed to the golf course. 

I got home and Ian got home shortly after and the 2 of us headed to Top Golf for Team Bramlett's Christmas Party. 

They got Ben several gifts and one was this ORANGE pullover because they know he HATES orange!! 

After Top Golf, We went to Andretti's and they raced go-karts.  We got home around 7:15, the kids went to The Boswell's for a little bit, and I was asleep before they even got home. 

Thursday, December 14th- 

Coffee, Jesus, Ella went to school. Ian had a dentist appointment. (which he had 7 cavities 😡) I worked on orders and then went to the nail salon. I ran to Aldi to get everything for my charcuterie board. Got home, did a clean sweep of the house, got everything ready for my annual Wine Tasting and Ornament Exchange. 

I couldn't make my bed before I left for the nail salon because look who wanted back in the bed! #rotten. 

Ready for my girls to come over. 

Rudolph's to get the evening started. 

We were sitting around talking and sweet Duke curled up by the "fire". He was so PRECIOUS! 

Everyone left, I cleaned up the kitchen, and was in bed around 11PM. 

Friday, December 15th- 

Coffee, Jesus, Got ready, Dropped off some wine glasses, headed to the Mall of Georgia for more Christmas shopping, Went to Legends for lunch, ran to Publix to get stuff to make potato soup for dinner. 

But look at sweet Duke loving the Christmas lights. 

Saturday, December 16th- 

Coffee and Jesus. Ella was at Addison's. The boys curled up on the couch and watched golf. I worked on 4 orders, got 6 loads of laundry done, got my planner ready for the week, and wrapped some Christmas presents. 

Ella brought us home lunch and the boys had a 1:20 tee time. When the boys got home, we all got ready and headed to Buffalo's for dinner and then to Putt Nation. 


We got home and I got everything ready for the next day. Then we all crashed. 

Sunday, December 17th- 

Coffee and Jesus! Then we all got ready to head to Legends for Brunch and to see Santa. 

The Grinch photobombed us! 

Brunch was delicious and Santa walked around talking to everyone. He asked Ella if she was on the Nice list. He had her open an app on his phone that the elves had created for him to check if she was on the Nice list. 

She was on the Nice list but had room for improvement. 😊

We got home and chilled. Then we left for Ben's aunts Debbie's house for The Bramlett Christmas. 

Drunk Santa was another success. 

Love Dixie. 

Oh the trouble the 4 of us can get into and oh the stories we can tell.  😉

We got home around 7 and got ready for a short week. 

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