Our Week with Peloton Rides, Back to a Gym, and a Georgia Loss.

Happy Thursday Y'all! I know I do not normally blog on a Thursday but I really wanted to make sure I keep up with my weekly recaps. 

Monday, November 27th- 

Coffee, Jesus, Ella back to school after Thanksgiving break. I hopped on the peloton and then all the things. 

I took a shower with my FAVORITE shower bomb. 

Created an invite for my mom's Christmas party! We are doing an ugly sweater party this year! It was Ella's idea! 

Hopped on my WW meeting and saw my FAVORITE WW influencers!! Melodie and Meredith

After Ella got home from YL, we all crashed. 

Tuesday, November 28th- 

Coffee, Jesus, Ella off to school. Got ready- headed to Goodwill, Vet to pick up medicine, LA's office to drop off stuff to her, my Advent series class, picked up lunch, and then to the nail salon. Ella got home from school, we chilled, she went to a basketball game while Ben went to the Red Phone Booth with some people from work! I chilled at the house. 

I was busy filling out my 2024 calendar for UGA games. 

Got our family photos back. 

Saw this and it's so true for my Gluten Sensitivity. 

Ella and Ben got home and we all crashed! 

Wednesday, November 29th- 

Coffee and Jesus, Ella off to school, 20 minute ride on the Peloton, Quick trip to Publix for the ingredients for Chicken Noodle Soup. Got that going and then downloading all the family pictures and ordering prints and Christmas cards. 

Love Ally Love...

Ella got home from Campaigners and we were quick to go to bed. 

Thursday, November 30th- 

Coffee and Jesus. Ella off to school and then I turned on the Virgin River Christmas series. For some reason, I went down the rabbit hole of pictures from our Paris trip and found these pictures... 

I will tell you that when I was in Paris over 10 years ago I never dreamed of owning one of these purses. But in December 2019, While in NYC Ben bought me my first one for my 40th birthday!! 

Ella got home, we ran her car through the car wash, she dropped me off, she went to the nail salon, I cooked catalina chicken for dinner. I cleaned up and we crawled into bed. 

Friday, December 1st- 

Coffee and Jesus, Ella to school, and then I went to the gym for the first time in several years. Y'all it kicked my butt and I could barely move. 

We went and got Kathryn's bracelet fixed, went to dinner at Applebee's, then went to Addison's basketball. Got home and crashed. 

Saturday, December 2nd- 

Coffee and Jesus, Went to Publix to get everything for our football party later. I came back and did a clean sweep of the house and then we were ready to watch the game at 4pm. 

Our beloved Bulldawgs lost their first game in 30 games and it was rough around our house. However, everyone went home and I cleaned up the kitchen, washed my face, and tiptoed into to bed. I was scared. HA 

Sunday, December 3rd- 

Boys went to the course, Girls slept in, while I read, and watched church online.  did 6 loads of laundry, emptied the dishwasher, loaded it again, emptied it and reloaded it!  Vacuumed, Blogged, meal planned, made my grocery list, and then I was exhausted! 

I crawled into bed at 8:30 and crashed. 

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