It's the last Wednesday of the month and I am joining Shay and Sheaffer for What's Up Wednesday to answer the following questions...
What we are eating this week…
Monday: Snack tray summer
Tuesday: Chicken tenders and salad
Wednesday: Spaghetti with homemade garlic knots
Thursday: Mexican take out
Friday- Homemade Pizza
Saturday- take out
Sunday- ??
What am I reminiscing about...
I'm still wishing for anything to do with SUMMER! I'm over homeschool. Just give us the pool and lake.
What I'm I Loving...
Still loving My Peloton. and Becca's LIVE workouts. I am so thankful we purchased this when we did last month on a whim because it has been my saving grace!
What have we been up to...
Lots of walks.
Several FaceTime Calls.
Decorating for Easter.
Lots of Cuddles and Movies
Celebrating Ben.
Drive bys to visit some of our favorite people.
Playing in the dirt.
Of Course lots of time at the course.
Playing in the Eno's.
and even deep cleaning.
and Sonic dates.
What I'm dreading...
More canceled plans for this summer. CMA Fest is canceled, Georgia on my Mind concert is canceled. #imoverrona
What I'm working on...
What I'm Excited About...
What I'm Reading...
Along with reading the Bible, I just started this book again.
What I'm Watching...
I might be to old for this show but Ben and I watched the full first season in a few days and I started it over yesterday. But it's so good!

What I'm Listening to...
Same as last month. Nothing really. Except maybe my kids bicker because we have had "to much together" time!
What I am Wearing...
I'm lucky to get a shower everyday right now much less put on real clothes! HA
I feel like our days FLY by!
However I am loving my rompers.
What I'm doing this weekend...
Ella is going to visit my sister, we are playing golf, and hopefully taking the boat out one day because it is suppose to be 80 here!
What I am looking forward to next month...
Hopefully going to the beach!! Fingers crossed!
What else is new...
Not much of anything!
I can't wait to see what you have been up too lately!
I can't wait to see what you have been up too lately!
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