Our Week with Ella's Golf Banquet, YL Tournament, and Celebrating Mother's Day.

Happy Tuesday Y'all! I hope your week is off to a great start. I am recapping last week and weekend. 

Monday, May 6th- 

Ian left to go fishing with Brett at 5:30 AM, Ben went to the office, and Ella left for school around 7:45. I settled in for coffee and Jesus because guess what I still do not have a car. It's in the shop. I called the dealership and will hopefully know something in the next few days. I talked to the vet's office a few times getting medicine ordered for Duke. I wasn't able to take him to get bloodwork repeated because again no car. 
I got everything ready that I was responsible for the golf banquet. Hopped on the Peloton. Ate lunch and worked on 2 blog post. 

Got ready and headed to Ella's school around 3PM in Ian's truck. I met with her teacher and then set up for the banquet. It started at 6PM. 

I can't believe another golf season is over. 

Look at the fish that Ian and Brett caught. He said Brett hooked them and he reeled them in so it was a joint effort.  😉  I'm going with Brett probably did the work, Ian just wanted a picture! 

Centerpieces for the banquet. 

Love these sweet girls! They had a great golf season. 

Tuesday, May 7th- 

We were up early and heading to Legend's to help with the Young Life Golf Tournament. Ella headed to school. 

Once all the golfers were checked in and playing, I helped with the putting contest before running to CFA to pick up lunches for the volunteers. 

Look who crossed the road on my way out...

Love these golfers. 

and look who won the tournament. 

We got home, I showered, unloaded the dishwasher, Ella went to dinner with friends, Ian went to see Kathryn, Ben watched The Roast, and I went for a walk. Once I got back, I gave Duke his medicine, took a Benadryl, and crawled into the bed because I wanted to claw my eyes out from being outside most of the day. I stayed up until Ella got home, turned out all the lights, and then Ian let me know when he was home. 

Wednesday, May 8th- 

Ben to the office, Ella to school, and then I enjoyed my coffee and quiet time. Then Ian drove me to the dealership to pick up a loaner car. I ran to Publix, got home to unload groceries, put up the cold stuff, and went on a walk with my neighbor. We got done, I ate lunch, put up the rest of the groceries, vacuumed the floors, did a load of laundry, worked on a couple of blog post, and set up my planner. 

I cooked tacos for dinner, we ate, I showered, and crashed. 

Thursday, May 9th- 

Ben to the office, Ella to school, I enjoyed my coffee and quiet time. Then I went to lunch with my mom, sister, aunt, and Daniel for Mother's Day while Ian and Kathryn went fishing. 

I went to my 2PM nail appointment, ran by Publix, and then home to start dinner, clean up, etc. At 6PM, I watched a LIVE 3 hour WW event. It was very informative. After that I crashed. 

Friday, May 10th- 

Ben to the office, Ella off to school, Coffee and Jesus for me, then I headed to my hair appointment and Ian headed to the golf course. 

After my hair appointment, I ran all the errands. I got home, did a few things, got ready, and we headed to Top Golf to celebrate Kathryn's birthday. We had a blast. 

We got home, Ian and Kathryn ran to WalMart, and Ella went to Addison's. I took a benadryl and CRASHED. 

Saturday, May 11th- 

We were up and Ben and I ran to Striplings to get steaks and shrimp to grill for Mother's Day, we got home, I did a few things around the house, got ready, and we headed to Daniel's birthday while Ian and Kathryn headed for her to sky dive. 

Daniel loved his bubble gun. 

Kathryn was excited and nervous to skydive. She said it was the best experience of her life. I told her she was crazy! HA 

After Daniel's party, Ben, myself, and Ella went to a late lunch at Italy. It is SO GOOD! Ian and Kathryn went to Legends. 

Once we got home, I did a clean sweep of the house, prepped as much as I could for cooking out for Mother's Day. 
Worked on this blog post, made my to do list for next week and started meal planning. 

Sunday, May 12th- Mother's Day. 

We were up and headed to Legends for breakfast and then Colleen and I rode and watched our gang play golf. 

We got home from golf, Ben started grilling the steaks, we ate, Colleen and Chris left, I finished cleaning up the kitchen, took a shower, and by 6:30 this was me and the pups. We were exhausted. 

Ella did her Sunday reset, Ian went fishing, and once Ian was home, I crashed!!! 

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