Our Week with Ian Fishing, Going Back to the Gym, and Golf.

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Happy Tuesday Y'all! I hope your week is off to a great start. I am recapping last week and weekend. 

Monday, May 13th- 

Ben to the office, Ella to school, I enjoyed a regular morning of coffee and Jesus. Ian headed to the golf course. 

I sure do love being a Pug Mom. 

The rest of the day I went to Publix, emptied the dishwasher and reloaded it, vacuumed the floors and mopped it, washed the sheets and remade the bed, did more laundry, and set up my planner. 

I made lemon pepper chicken for dinner, cleaned up the kitchen, showered, and crashed. 

Tuesday, May 14th- 

Ben to the office, Ella to school, and Ian home. I enjoyed a slow morning with coffee and Jesus. I took Duke to the vet for bloodwork. I came home and got ready. I met Ben for lunch at PF Changs and then I went shopping and he went back to the office. 

I got a few new items, I got home finished making dog food, and started fajita chicken for dinner. We ate, I cleaned the kitchen, took a bath, Ben went to bed, and I hung out with the kids for a while. 

Wednesday, May 15th- 

Ian left to go fishing with Brett, Ben to the office, coffee and Jesus for me, and Ella to school. I enjoyed a slow morning until I had to get ready for my eye doctor appointment. I need readers and I have 2 pairs coming....😆 After that I met Ben for lunch at Willie's. I went to Bass Pro Shops to look at clothes and fill my sunglass solution cleaner. 

On my way home,  I went by Old Navy and Target. Picked up shirts for Ben and got home to unload, empty the dishwasher, reload it, vacuum, take out the trash, and pour a glass of wine and head up to my computer. 

Ian sent these pictures of his fish and the lake....

Wednesday night, Ben went to Legends, Ella went to dinner with The Smith's, Ian went to Kathryn's sister house for dinner, and I just blogged until I curled up on the couch and finished my book. 

Everyone got home and we all crashed. 

Thursday, May 16th- 

Ben left early for work, Ella left early for school, I enjoyed my coffee and Jesus time. I left around 8:40 to head to a consultation at the gym. I REJOINED! Ian and Kathryn wen to play golf. 

I got home and walked with Keri. I got home and did laundry, cleaned out the fridge, and cleaned out my t-shirt drawer. 

When Ella got home, we took a nap and then got ready to head to El Real for the FFA alumni meeting where I was voted to be the 2024-2025 treasurer. 
We got home a little after 8 and Ben got home around 8:30. We all talked about our days for a little bit and then we all went our separate ways for the evening. When I say that I mean- Kids to there rooms, Ben to our room, and me on the couch. 

Friday, May 17th- 

Ben to the office, Ella to school, Ian slept in, I enjoyed coffee and Jesus time. Then I went to the gym from 8-9 for my first class back to the gym. It was AMAZING!! 

Then I went to help my sister move some boxes to the basement she is going to be renting. We grabbed lunch around 1:30 and then went to the bank to finalize a few things. 

I stopped by Publix on my way home to pick up the items to make taco soup for dinner. I got home and showered. It was a shower that felt amazing. 
I put on comfy clothes, cooked the taco soup, my gang got home. Ella had already left to go babysit, Ian went fishing, and Ben and I enjoyed a quit evening until about 7:30 when Ella got home. :) 

Once everyone was home, I talked to my sister for about an hour and I had a hard time falling asleep until about midnight. 

Saturday, May 18th- 

All 3 of my people headed to the golf course to play in The Battle. It was a 3-9 hole match. It was the first time Ella played without her dad or brother and she did so WELL!! Ben even got a text from one of the ladies that she played with saying how amazing Ella was and she is welcome to play with them anytime. 

I stayed home and did a few things around the house. I did pick up a Target order and CFA for lunch. Ben and Ella got home. She got ready and headed to a graduation party. Ian went to Kathryn's nephew's birthday party. I ate leftover taco soup for dinner while Ben watched golf. My gang ate after The Battle. 
I headed back to the craft room after talking to Ian and Kathryn for a little bit. 

Ella got home and we all headed to bed. But Ella sent us this picture from Chateau Elan. Just Beautiful and we are lucky enough to pass this view on the daily. 


Sunday, May 19th- 

Ben and Ella headed to Toccoa for Ben to play in a USAM tour tournament. I enjoyed my quiet time and coffee. Then I got ready and met my sister at church for the 11:15 service. Ian and Kathryn headed to Legends. 
After church, Tonya and I went to lunch and then to the pool. Ian and Kathryn joined us but Ian couldn't handle just laying there so he headed home. The girls hung out by the pool almost 3 hours. 

It was just rough y'all! :)

On the way home, Kathryn and I picked up dinner at our favorite mexican restaurant. I cleaned up the kitchen, switched laundry, and called it a night. I was asleep before 9PM. 

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