Our Week with No Car, Ian Home for the Summer, and all the Cleaning.

Happy Tuesday Y'all! I hope your week is off to a great start. I am recapping last week and weekend. 

Monday, April 29th- 

Ben to the office, Ella off to school, and then I headed to Target and Publix really quick before dropping my car off at the dealership to be serviced. My sweet neighbor met me there and brought me home. I put everything away and sat down for more coffee and my quiet time. Since I knew I was home with no vehicle, I got busy doing all the things. 

Here was my to-do list: 

Banquet Stuff
Clean House
Make Dog Food
Blog Post 
Bailey's Glasses
Clean Craft Room. 

Let me note that when I said clean house, I cleaned house. I moved the furniture in our room to vacuum behind it, cleaned blinds, vents, etc. I walked over 11,000 steps. 

Ella got home from school. I grilled burgers which lead to a fire on the grill. I did save the burgers and finished cooking them in the oven. Ella and I ate. She left for Senior leaders night at YL and then to play pickleball. Once the grill cooled down, I cleaned it. Ben got home and ate dinner. Ben headed to our room to watch Suits and I headed to finish cleaning the craft room and make Bailey's glasses. Once I was done for the day, I showered, poured a glass of wine, and headed to the couch to read while I waited for Ella to get home. Once she got home, I crashed. I was exhausted. 

Tuesday, April 30th- 

Ben to the office, Ella to school, I enjoyed my coffee and quiet time with Jesus. I knew I was home again all day so I got busy working around the house. 
My to-do list looked like this....

Water Plants
Order Dogs meds
Clean Ian's Room
Clean Ian's Bathroom
Clean Ella's Bathroom
Clean under kitchen sink
Wash Dog Beds. 

Y'all this is what Duke looked like after I put out one of the clean dog beds. I guess its the equivalent to us getting into bed with clean sheets. 🤣

After Ian's second round of the tournament, his team went fishing and this is the picture he sent us! HA 

It's a good thing his mama loves him! 😉

Ben loves a little something sweet after dinner so I set him up this little corner. He fills his "trophy" about halfway (what he won for winning our Masters Fantasy League) then he puts his trophy back and his sweet tooth was filled. 

I planted a hydrangea from my brother in laws funeral that my friend Talia sent. My sister will be moving soon so she wanted me to plant it and then move it when she gets settled. Look at the new growth on it. 

I was so happy. 

I had put fajita chicken in the crockpot early that morning so we made tacos for dinner. Ella had a rough evening so we talked to her. I took a bath and called it a night!! 

Wednesday, May 1st- 

Ben left at 5am to head to Dalton to watch Ian play in the final round of the CCS Championship. LaGrange came in 4th place out of 6 teams and Ian finished T22. 

Ella left around 7:30 for tutoring and I settled in for my coffee and quiet time. I started a load of laundry and cleaned out the garage freezer and fridge. My neighbor, Keri, picked me up at 10am to take me to Publix. We each grabbed a few items and then she dropped me back off at home. I put everything away, put the clothes in the dryer, and went for a walk. It was beautiful outside. 

I ate lunch, took a shower, rested, and then cleaned out 2 cabinets. I worked on blog posts. Ella stayed after school to take a test and ran to Publix again for me! Once she got home, I started dinner. Ben got home, we ate, and then I waited for Ian to get home from college for the SUMMER!! 

I did enjoy a quiet moment on the back deck. I felt like I was back in 2020. 

Thursday, May 2nd- 

Ben to the office, Ella to school, Ian was home and had no plans to go anywhere so I used his truck to run a few errands after I walked with Keri. 

I dropped off glasses to LA, dropped off stuff to GoodWill, then met Ian and Kathryn at El Real for lunch. After lunch, I ran to Target for a few things. I got home worked on blog post then around 5:30 we headed to Ella's FFA banquet. 

Love this sweet, sweet girl!! 

Friday, May 3rd- 

Ben to the office, Ella to school, then I enjoyed my quiet time. Ian slept in. I called the vet because Duke was really struggling. When I got Duke to the vet, his oxygen was really low and his chest xray showed signs that he is in the early stages of CHF. I hate it. I hate it for him. I hate it for our family. Our goal right now is to keep him comfortable. The vet increased his medicine. He has to have his bloodwork taken again on Monday to see how his kidneys are handling the increase of medicine. I was a mess most of the day and cried on and off all day. I picked Duke up around 4:30. 

Ben and I met Keith and Dixie at Latin Flavors for dinner to celebrate Keith's birthday. Then we headed to the rooftop bar for a little bit. 

We got home around 9:30, talked to the kids for a little bit, and then crashed. 

Saturday, May 4th- 

Ben and the kids to the course, I took care of the dogs, and then enjoyed my quiet morning. 

I watched Bailey graduate from college online. 

After my super slow morning, I finally got ready and headed to Publix for a few things. Then I came home, straightened up the house, and then worked in the craft room. 

Look who was hating me sitting in the same spot for awhile...

Everyone got home, Ian went to Kathryn's, Ella went to Aubrey's, and Ben and I hung out at home. 

Sunday, May 5th- 

Ben and the kids back to the golf course, I enjoyed my coffee and quiet time. Then I did a few things around the house- empty the dishwasher, fold a load of laundry, gather trash and take it to the road, make dog food, got ready, and ran to get stuff for the golf banquet. I met Leigh Anne at Longhorn's for a late lunch and then we went to watch Steel Magnolias for their 35th anniversary. I haven't watched that movie in YEARS! It was a FUN afternoon. 
After the movie, we all went to Then Boswell's for dinner. Once we got home, I unloaded the dishwasher, started the coffee for the morning, loaded the dishwasher back up, and put the dog food in the freezer. I read a few chapters in my book and we all crashed. 

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