Monthly Goals | May 2024

Hey Y'all! Happy Wednesday.  Since its a new month, it's time for some new goals. I just have to say I can't believe it is MAY already! 

Let's start with M A Y: 


1. Track Everything. I know, I know. I joined WW again. I know how to use the system. I just have to do it. 

2. Sourdough.  Whether it be bread, discard, or any other recipe using my sourdough starter. 

3. Hit 350 Rides on the Peloton. I hope to hit that number this month. That's 14 rides! 

4Read 3 Books. Last month I read 3 books. let's hope for 3 more this month. I have read 16 books so far this year. 

5. Delete Pictures from my Phone. My phone currently has roughly 12,500 photos on it. That is insane and ridiculous. I hope to get it down to 12,000 pictures by the end of the month. 

6. Check off 4 items from my Clean Out List.  Here is a list of what I hope to accomplish...
1. Living Room- Go through Blankets. 
2. Kitchen- Mug and Cup Cabinets 
3. Master Bedroom- Under my sink 
4. Master Bathroom- Night Stand Drawers and Jewelry


1. Ella's Banquets. She has her FFA and Golf Banquet. 

2. Young Life Tournament. This year Ben and Ian are playing in it. 

3. Ian Home from College. I can't believe his freshman year of college is over. 

4. Ella Finish her Sophomore year of High School. Y'all I can't believe another school year is over. 

5. Celebrate Memorial Day. We will remember those who have lost their lives defending our country. 

My Glittery Heart: 

1. Red, White, and Blue. I have a few red, white, and blue post planned for an All American Summer. 

2. Travel Items. We love to travel and I have a few favorites that I hope to share with y'all. 

3. Recipe. I hope to get back to sharing recipes again. 

Oh My Glitter: 

1. Taxes for 1st Quarter of 2024. UGH I hate tax crap! HA TAKE 2

Now let's see how I did A P R I L: 


✔1. Plant Spring Pots. I love having all the plants on my front porch and a few on the back deck. 

✔2. Practice Making Sourdough Bread. Take 2.  My starter is very happy and doing well but to make a loaf of sourdough is a lot of work and patiences but I want to practice my skills this month. 

✔3. Meal Plan. I was a much better person when I meal planned and did some prepping. I want to get back into this habit. 

✘4. Close all Rings on my Apple Watch 5 days. I use to close all my rings most days but not here lately. I only closed all three rings 3 times. 

✘5. Ride the Peloton 17 times. My goal is to hit 350 rides this month.  I only rode it 3 times in April. 

✔6. Read 3 Books. Last month I read 2 books. let's hope for 3 this month. I have read 13 books so far this year. 

IP. 7. Check off 4 items from my Clean Out List.  Here is a list of what I hope to accomplish...
1. Living Room
2. Kitchen/Dining Room 
3. Master Bedroom
4. Master Bathroom

I did a lot of work in each of these rooms but I need to do more. For May, I set specific goals in these rooms. 

✔8. Delete Pictures from my Phone. My phone currently has roughly 12, 780 photos on it. That is insane and ridiculous. I hope to get it down to 12,500 pictures by the end of the month. I am down to 12, 495 as I type this post. 


✔1. Celebrate Ben's 45th Birthday. We have a little surprise planned for our favorite guy. 

✔2. Watch The Masters. Masters Sunday we will be with Ella for a practice round but we can stream it on the app. 

✔3. Watch Ella play all the Golf.  Y'all know our lives revolve around the course. We love watching our kids play golf because they love it so much. 

✔4. Ella- FFA Convention. She is excited to attend this year. 

✔5. Enjoy Spring Break with Ella. We have a Staycation planned with lots of fun stuff. 

My Glittery Heart: 

✔1. Share Masters Bar Cart. Y'all know I love the bar cart. It will be similar to last years bar cart. 

✘2. Share Masters Favorites. This golf loving family loves all things Masters. I found some great items on Amazon. Look for that post on Monday. 

✘3. Share My Current Daily Quiet Time. I love my daily quiet time and I plan to share an updated list of my morning books. 

Oh My Glitter: 

✘1. Taxes for 1st Quarter of 2024. UGH I hate tax crap! HA 

For everything that happened in April, I am clapping myself on the back! Below are some pictures recapping April. 

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