Happy 45th Birthday to Ben.

Tomorrow is a special day in our house!!  Happy 45th Birthday to our FAVORITE guy. He will always be a FAVORITE. April 6th is the day one of my favorite people came into this world. Let's look back over this past year for Ben. 

Spent his 44th birthday at the Braves game. 

Watched these 2 play all the GOLF! 

Played Golf as much as possible. 

Attended all the Senior events and banquets. 

Sent this guy off to Prom with Kathryn. 

Mother's Day 2023. 

All the Graduation parties. 

Got his oldest graduated. 

Orientation for Ian at LaGrange which we got to have a date night at C'Sons. 

Top Golf for Brett's Birthday. 

Held down the fort while I was at CMA Fest with LA. 

Men's Club Championship 2023. Ian won! 

He loves the lazy lake days. 

Santa Rosa. 

JGO with this girl as his teammate. 

Moved this guy into college. 

Sent this girl off to HOCO. 

All the deck nights watching football. 

Celebrated 20 years of marriage in Highlands, NC 

Another HOCO for this girl. 

Found the perfect car for his baby girl. 

Celebrated his baby girl in Gatlinburg, TN. 

Very Thankful for this guy and our family. 

Always a trooper for family pictures. 

Ben will always love a night at the Red Phone Booth. 

Christmas 2023. 

Sea Island 2024 for Ben to play in a golf tournament. 

Gala for a customer. 

Puerto Rico for his President's Club Trip. 

Easter Celebrations. 

I love you Ben Bramlett!! 

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