Our Week with Area Tournament, Frenchie Mom Wannabe, and Ella to the Lake.

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Hey Y'all! Happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend! I am recapping last week and this weekend! 

Monday, April 15th- 

Ben and I were up early and on the road to Apple Mountain Golf Course to watch Ella and her team play in their Area Tournament. 

It was not Ella's best round but she enjoyed herself. 

This girls have loved my Ella since she started playing with them as an 8th grader. They are seniors this year. She is going to miss them next year. 

Ella loves snow cones but with no flavor. Just the ice :) 

You might be a golfer if you have this tan line.... 😂 You should see her feet they look like she is constantly wearing white socks. 

We headed home and I ordered Panda Express when we got closer. We showered, Ella went to eat for Addison's birthday, and I waited up for Ella to get home while enjoying a glass of wine and my kindle. 

Tuesday, April 16th- 

Ben to the office, Ella to school, and I enjoyed a slow morning of coffee and Jesus. I did finally get up, cleaned out my closet, worked on blog post, and laundry. Ella got home, we napped on her bed, and then ordered El Real for dinner. 

We chilled for the rest of the evening, I showered, got ready for bed, and crashed. 

Excuse Ella's messy room, she did clean it up that evening. But if there is a suitcase on the floor Trixie will lay in it. 

Bella (the neighbor's dog) was loving me sitting at the computer for so long. 

I love when these memories pop up on Facebook. Mom and I took the kids to see Winter the Dolphin 12 years ago. 

Wednesday, April 17th- 

Ben to the office. I was up early to get ready and leave at 7:30 for an early morning mammogram appointment. Ella headed to school. 

I had my first abnormal mammogram in January so I had a follow up appointment. Everything turned out fine and I will follow up in 6 months. 

Ian was still having issues with his back so his trainer started another plan of action. Look at the bruising from the cupping. 

I enjoyed lunch with Leigh Anne, got home and did a few things, Ella had a dentist appointment after school, then she headed to met Ben at Legends. When they were heading home, I started grilling bbq chicken for dinner. 

I cleaned up the kitchen, showered, and went to my favorite spot on the couch for wine and my kindle. 

Thursday, April 18th- 

Ben to the office, Ella off to school, I took the dogs to the groomer, and home to enjoy my coffee and quiet time. Then I went for a walk around our neighborhood with my neighbor Keri. 

When I went to pick up the pups, look at the puppy I saw. I think its a sign. 

Trixie would be so mad at me if I brought home a puppy but I want one so bad. 

After I got the pups home, I headed to my 11:30 hair appointment. 

Got home, had a snack, and headed upstairs to my office. I did some computer work, Ella got home, went to Legends with Grammy and then to dinner with Addison. Ben had a work event so I just snacked and did stuff around the house. 

Look at this baby.... she was snoring so loud. 

Once everyone was home, I enjoyed my quiet time on the couch and then we all crashed. 

Friday, April 19th- 

Ben to the office, got Ella off to school, I enjoyed coffee and quiet time. Then I got ready and headed to my mom's for breakfast with her and my sister. We went to look at a couple of places for my sister to move. I met Talia for lunch at El Real where we inhaled fajitas and margaritas. 

After lunch, we went shopping. Look at the first mug we saw at Home Goods....another sign. 

I found this cute candy dish at our Hallmark. 

We got home, I unloaded, and helped Ella get her stuff in her car to head to Addison's for them to go to the lake for the weekend. They were celebrating Addison's birthday! 

Love these girls so much. 

The rest of Friday I waited for Ben and Ian to get home. Ben and I had salads for dinner and I feel asleep on the couch before 9PM. 

Saturday, April 20th- 

Coffee and Jesus. Ben and Ian headed to Legends. I played catch up on reading. 

Look who joined me for my quiet time....

Duke was snoring so loud. 

I went to Publix to get stuff to grill out for dinner. 
I cleaned up my office, laundry, and cleaned up Ella's room and bathroom. 

Later that afternoon, we grilled chicken for dinner and I fixed dirty rice and pasta salad. I cleaned up the kitchen, took a bath, and then crashed. 

But look who was living her best life at the lake. 

Sunday, April 21st- 

Ben went to play in a USAM tournament. He tied for 3rd place. Ian and Kathryn slept in. I enjoyed my coffee and quiet time then I got ready to meet Ella at church. Laney Brook's little sister got baptized. After church, we all went to lunch. 
Once we got home, I did a few house chores and look who crawled into the bed with me. 

My little mini me. 

I got up to type out this post but look who was still sleeping....

Later that day, Ben got home, Ian headed back to LaGrange for his last week of his first year of college. I can't believe it is almost over. 

Cheers to a new week! 

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